Here is my latest franken attempt. This didn't quite turn out the color I was going for, but I still like it. I was going for a a jade color. Don't know if you know this, but there are probably 50 different shades of jade, so the the one I was going for is the more light greenish blue one. I have a picture below of what my inspiration was.

I used clear, Loreal Waters Edge, Color Club White, Klean Colors green. I think I made mine a little too green. I also used Carolyn NY clear and after it was too late realized it was a quick dry. I think using the quick dry made this polish a little bit more of a pain to apply.

SO as always, I ask you all to help me name my frankens. I have come up with two names that I like and have a poll at the top of the blog for you to vote on the name. Thanks for help and hope you enjoyed my franken.

I still might try to perfect the jade look I was going for in the first place this weekend :)

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