Solar Powered

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night!! (depending on what time it is when you might read this :-P ) Today's nail design is out of this world...literally. (It's the solar system!) :-P I've had this on my list for some time, but only just now got around to doing it. (too many other fun ideas kept presenting themselves!) Oh well, it's done now, and YES, I included Pluto, because to me, it will always be a planet, scientists be damned. I think Earth and the comet on the pluto nail ended up being my favorite things about this mani.

In correct order from the sun:

Left Hand:

Right Hand:

I used:

American Apparel Hassid as a base for all 10 nails, with American Apparel Cotton lightly sponged to make distant stars.

Left Thumb: Sun

American Apparel Manila as a base for the sun, with Electric Orange, Zoya Pinta and American Apparel Manila again sponged over it to give a fiery, mottled look.

Left Index: Mercury

American Apparel Cotton mixed with American Apparel Hassid and a touch of Essie Mink Muffs, and shaded with the same combination with more American Apparel Hassid.

Left Middle: Venus

American Apparel Cotton mixed with American Apparel Manila, the mixed that combination with American Apparel Pinto and a touch of American Apparel Hassid to shade.

Left Ring: Earth

Pure Ice French Kiss as a base for Earth, highlighted with Pure Ice French Kiss mixed with a touch of Essie Mint Candy Apple, For the continents, I used L.A. Girl Army Green as a base, then mixed with American Apparel Hassid and Essie Mink Muffs to create some topography. For the clouds, I lightly brushed American Apparel Cotton.

Left Pinky: Mars

American Apparel Cotton mixed with American Apparel Pinto as a base, highlighted with the same mixture with a bit more American Apparel Cotton, and shaded with straight American Apparel Pinto.

Right Pinky: Jupiter

American Apparel Cotton mixed with American Apparel Pinto as a base, with American Apparel Pinto to add in the lines and big red spot. :)

Right Ring: Saturn

Essie Sag Harbor mixed with American Apparel Cotton, then added a little Pure Ice French Kiss to the mixture to add more of the bright blue color that Saturn's Northern Hemisphere is supposed to have. For the rings, I used American Apparel Cotton.

Right Middle: Uranus

Essie Sag Harbor mixed with Essie Mint Candy Apple for the planet, and American Apparel Cotton VERY lightly used to create the almost non-existent looking ring.

Right Index: Neptune

Orly Gumdropas a base for the planet, then mixed with Pure Ice French Kiss for the outer shadow, and mixed with American Apparel Cotton for the highlight.

Right Thumb: Pluto and Comet

For Pluto, I used American Apparel Manila mixed with a tiny bit of American Apparel Cotton, then dabbed a little Essie Mink Muffs and American Apparel Hassid on it. For the comet, I used American Apparel Manila and Electric Orange.

Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Did you know that this past week the sun had it's most violent eruption in 15 years?!

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