Hard Candy Giveaway Winner

Hello ladies,

It is time to announce the winner of the Mmm...Hard Candy Giveaway! We begin with a large wooden bowl of contest entries. There were 864 valid entries, all handwritten and cut into julienne strips. The entries were made a little more appealing to our helper by rubbing them with cashew oil.
Meet our judge, Sadie the rat. She is an adorable little creature, very reminiscent of a Disney character. I kept expecting her to burst into song.

Sadie explored the contents of the bowl but was not entirely satisfied...

Until she had considered every entry!
She burrowed and took rest to deliberate.
Then decided it was time.
Sadie is trying to tell us something!
She went back to the bowl and looked about.
She returned with a slip of paper stuck to her paw.
The winner is Tenshi!

Congratulations, Tenshi!

Tenshi has a blog called Nature Nails. She creates beautiful designs and showcases these looks with gorgeous photography. Please visit her blog. Her nails are stunning. Her blog is written in French, but I often comment in English. I'm really looking forward to seeing what she will create with the Hard Candy Just Nails line of polishes.

Sadie the rat has a remarkable story. She was rescued from a research laboratory and then rehabilitated and cared for by my friend Cassandra. I thought Sadie would make the best judge for the Hard Candy giveaway to help communicate their firm commitment to no animal testing. Many thanks to Hard Candy for sponsoring this giveaway and for keeping our animal friends safe. Please visit hardcandy.com to learn more about their full range of cosmetics and nail polish.

Happy painting, ladies! I have another giveaway planned for this weekend.

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