Messy Polishing...How To Clean Up Your Manicure!!!

This is just a short and sweet little tutorial on how I clean up my manicure after I polish.  There are plenty of tutorials out there but, this one is mine :)

These are my supplies: (all pictures are clickable to enlarge)

I keep my pure acetone in the pink container.  I use pure acetone because the clean up is much easier for me. The first brush in the front is an angled eyeliner brush. Next 2 brushes are #6 & #8 American Painter chisel blender brush...purchased these at Michael's Craft Store.  The large brush is an ecotools eyeshadow brush. This brush was too big for me to clean around the cuticle area for the gap but, it's good to use if you get polish on the skin area of the nail. Whatever brush you choose to use make sure its stiff and not flimsy.

Here is a better picture of all the brushes

 I usually use the American Painters #6 brush. Pump the container with the bristles of the brush  and out comes the acetone.  Wipe off polish on skin and cuticle area.  It takes pumps of acetone and several swipes to clean around fingers.  

See messed up polish on skin and cuticle area

See results after clean up...Take your time you can do it!! :)
I know some of you don't like leaving a gap at the cuticle and that's okay its just what I prefer.
There you have it.  I surely hope this helps you.  Any questions please don't hesitate to ask.  Until next time have a great nail polish day!!


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