I literally just unpacked a bunch a boxes and straightened this room up last night! I know it doesn't seem cool yet, but it will!
I am envisioning a wall of nail polish racks (Dad doesn't know he is helping me build those yet!!). I have a desk that I will be using to paint my nails, but it is in storage at my sisters house and I haven't gotten it back just yet, so a card table is what I am using for now.
I want to recover that brown chair. I kind of have a black and turquoise theme in mind for this room.

Can you spot the Banana? What about the cool Coors Light hat as wall decoration?? lmao!!!

I have this little shelf that I plan on stocking with all the stuff that I use the most. I am going to spray paint it to match my black and turquoise theme . . . .eventually! Underneath that pile of clothes is another chair. It was the chair I re-did, already in the black and turquoise. It went with my desk that I will use as my nail polish station. I would like to get a manicure table but I'm looking for a really good deal on one. I've been checking craigslist, anyone have any other ideas where to find one cheap?

Also thought I would snap a pic of MOST of my polish. Yes, there is polish in the boxes to the left of my storage bins and polish in both boxes sitting in front. I also have about another 150-200 more bottles not shown here.
I love that I walk in this room and it smells like nail polish :) I have a lot of work to do, but I really think I'm going to enjoy doing it.
I need to come up with a cool name for my room. Maybe a little contest is in order . . . .