Rimmel Fruities and Kiss Nail Art Stickers

Just a quick reminder to all of you that you can vote for my entry into the BundleMonster Nail Art contest over at their Facebook page! You can vote once per day until the 20th :D

A rather simple one - I actually did this manicure a couple of weeks back, and forgot about it ha - I've used Rimmel's Fruity polish in Apricot Punch. It's a scented polish, and smells looovely and fruity when it's dry. This polish is a warm Red Coral, and it dries quickly and goes on really nice and smooth - this is three coats:-

Natural light, overcast.

 The smell lasted really well and was still lingering after a couple of days, even with a topcoat - it's not too overpowering that it gives you a headache first-off, though. I also own Lemon Drop, and although both smell rather artificial, I like them both, MAYBE Apricot Punch a little more :D

I was stuck for ideas (I feel coral is a hard colour to work with when thinking of nail art colour combos - is it just me?!) so I decided to add Kiss Nail Art Stickers, purchased from Superdrug for around £2.85.
Now, I didn't have any problem with the quality of the product itself, they were quick and easy to apply, came in a range of sizes, some with rhinestones, and they lasted alright with a topcoat - my only beef is that they only give you SIX of each design. EH?! Utter Face-Palm moment, Kiss. Did you skive Biology? Did the Nail Art Mafia chop off 4 of your fingers for crimes against Manicures? If not, it's a pretty shocking oversight since I have TEN WHOLE NAILS!!!
Unless you're doing a mismatched design there is no way to get your nails all the same! This, quite literally, baffled me. Why not include enough of each sticker to do ALL of your nails? If this is a sales ploy, then it will fail because I'm more likely to never buy them again, than to buy another packet to finish my manicure - madness. Here they are anyway, I used the large daisy design for my right hand, and the smaller (NOT-MATCHING) design for my left hand. They're so easy to use, literally peel them off and whack 'em on wherever you like:-

all photos in weak, pathetic British sunshine

And for the left hand with the smaller daisies:

I think I prefer the smaller ones. I did have a problem with them lifting after a couple of days, even with a topcoat, and the almost spongy texture of the transfer went a bit sticky. They were, altogether, a bit meeeh - I wont be buying them again.

On a more positive note, you've still got bags of time to enter my 100 Follower Giveaway (even though I have 400 today! Waheeeey!) to win yourself a fabulosa goody bag of British Polishes. NOICE.


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