Starry Temptress Giveaway!

Hello ladies,

Welcome to the Starry Temptress Giveaway!. Here you will find six neon polishes twinkling with glitter, along with a topcoat to add even more sparkle.

One lucky winner will receive the 7-piece Starry Temptress Collection from Color Club.
Let's take a closer look at the polishes.

Space Case, Ultra-Astral.
Wink Wink, Twinkle, You Got Soul-Ar.

Glitter Envy, Otherworldly.

Starry Temptress Glitter Topcoat.

Many thanks to Color Club/Forsythe for sponsoring this giveaway. You can learn more about Color Club, Art Club and Cosmetic Arts products at

The Starry Temptress Collection bottles featured in this post are my review set. The winner will receive a brand new set, shipped directly from Color Club/Forsythe. If the winner requires international shipping, I will re-route the package.

The Starry Temptress Giveaway! is open internationally for followers and e-mail subscribers. The contest runs through the end of the day April 25th. To keep this simple, I am willing to count the date as the last available time zone worldwide. As long as it is April 25th somewhere on the planet, you may still enter.

Here's how to enter:
1) Become a follower or e-mail subscriber of painted Lady fingers. If you are currently a follower or subscriber, that certainly counts! Please let me know in the comments which option you choose for keeping up with painted Lady fingers. For example: I follow via Google Friend Connect or I subscribe via e-mail. Be specific. I check entries very carefully.

If you follow via Google Friend Connect, log into the proper account when you leave your comment. If you follow via Google Friend Connect, your account has to have some public aspect. It is okay if you don't follow publicly, but there needs to be some signs of humanity on your profile page. If you subscribe via e-mail, your e-mail address must be confirmed through feedburner. If you have never received an e-mail related to painted Lady fingers' blog posts, you do not have a confirmed account.

2) Include your e-mail with your entry to qualify. If you forgot to write your e-mail in with your contest entry, leave me another comment with your e-mail address.

Both 1 & 2 together = 1 entry.

Optional extra entries.
3) Let me know: Have you worn neon nail polish before? Do you have any manicure ideas you would like to see at painted Lady fingers or try yourself with the Starry Temptress Collection? 1 entry.

4) Like Color Club Nail Lacquer on Facebook. 1 entry.

5) Blog about the contest in a post or add contest info to your sidebar. I will definitely count your entry if your blog is not written in English. I will also count your entry if your blog is just getting started and has a small number of followers. These extra entries are meant to be inclusive and fun. Please provide a link. 2 entries. If you use the contest photo, add another entry. Please mention that you used a photo.

6) Tweet about the contest. Only once, please. Please mention @ladyfingersblog in your tweet so I can count your entry. You can also retweet one of my contest announcements to qualify. Here is the tiny url: 1 entry

9) Have painted Lady fingers on your blogroll or add painted Lady fingers. Please provide a link if I haven't already commented on your blog. Otherwise please remind me. I want to be sure to count the entry even if painted Lady fingers has been on your blogroll for a long time.

If you have a nail polish blog and you would like to be on my blogroll, please e-mail me. Apologies, I do not update my blogroll while verifying entries. 1 entry.

10) In appreciation, I am going to add an extra entry for those who comment regularly on non-giveaway posts. I do enjoy reading your feedback! Thank you! Not to worry, I am very inclusive with this extra entry. 1 entry.

You are welcome to put all your entries in one comment or return to the contest post with comments for each entry. Either way works for me. Your entries don't have to be sequential. Enter in any way you like whenever you like before the end of the day April 25th.

Please feel free to enter all the giveaways I am hosting! You are wholly welcome to enter this giveaway even if you have won recently. If good luck is favoring you, I will gladly honor that!

Good luck, ladies!

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