Yesterday afternoon I could not decide on what lacquer to put on. Hmm! Its sunny and hot out so I decided to put on a holographic polish...but which one? Well, since Fabuloustreet made a new batch of NFU OH 61 and since I have the original for about 1 year now. (yeah, yeah I have lots of untrieds. lol!) I pulled it out the bin along with the aqua base. I applied one coat of base coat, one coat of the aqua base and 2 coats of 61.
I ran outside in a hurry before the sun went kept coming up then going back down. It was not as bright as I was hoping for. Oh well, but you still can see the holo goodness. Talk about a rainbow wow! it blew my mine
This picture was taken under my ott light. It really looks like this...Stunning! Isn't it unbelievable?!
I applied topcoat to my index finger only to see if it would dull the holo and it did
After I applied it I hurried and took a snapshot before it dried. You see it's not as holographic.
Then I applied topcoat to all nails and waited a few minutes to dry. You can see it's not as bright but still beautiful.
Yep, I will be indulging in my stash for more holo's
I did order a backup and from what the ladies are saying on the nail board it's not as holo as the original. Whoo Who! I'm glad I own the original *-*
Do you love holo's and do you own 61? Do you have a favorite?
Until next time please have a great nail polish day. (✿◠‿◠)