Water Nail Decals

July 28, 2011

Today I thought I would share with you my first try with water nail decals. These particular decals come in rather large squares so it was hard to size down to fit my nail. I think I should have cut them to shape before placing them in the water. I made the mistake of placing the whole decal in the water, placing it on my nail, and then trying to cut it to fit. It was too much excess material to work with, hence the rough edges around the base of my nail. Oh well, I have plenty more water nail decals to play around with. I learned a lot from my first time. These nail decals are soooo cute. I also purchased some sunflowers and butterflies. I can't wait to try those! The base coat is two coats of Sally Hansen Wet Cement. By the way, these water nail decals are featured in my current giveaway that ends Aug 9. Click here to enter

Inside with flash
Bad photo, but I thought it really showed of the "ladies"

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