Boots 17 Crackle Polish

Boots' exclusive cosmetic brand "17" have well and truly jumped on the crackle-wagon, launching their own goldy-silvery Crackle Polish. Oooooooh the elusive and rarely seen left hand: -
The larger looking patch of purple on my pinky isn't a crack...its a smudge...lolz

Looking at these photos, it's growing on me....

I'm not quite sure what I make of it so far. I like that it's freely available, cheap and a different colour to the other crackle polishes out there, but I prefer to see more of the base colour showing through. I also wish it was more gold.
Underneath the Crackle is Barry M Boots Ltd Edition, and its such a gorgeous mid-purple that it upsets me that it cant be seen through that much! It doesn't seem it from the photos, but my nails literally just look like a Champagne colour from a distance. The application was a dream though, this is a thin coat (thick coat on the thumb - they kind of crackled the same though, regardless) and it's a really smooth polish with a lovely shimmer. It doesn't dry as matte as the Barry Ms, nor is it as gloopy and fast-drying. You can see Barry M Instant Nail Effects HERE for comparison. Barry M cracks more - same purpose, totally different effects! Jury is still out on which one I prefer, they are both very different.

I have a different topcoat on the other hand, which I can't wait to show you tomorrow - I love it! :D

Have you tried this new crackle? What do you think? 

My brother, who has recently discovered my blog, is hankering for a shout out, and threw a huge strop yesterday when I forgot to mention him! This makes him sound 10 years old. He is 18, but still has the mind of a child. :P


And in keeping with the theme of this blog, here is a picture of the face-paint I did for him last Halloween. Face-painting is another would-be hobby of mine, had I more opportunity to practice it!

Scary Clown, why so serious?!

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