Inspired by....Paul Smith Rose!

I have a ridiculous habit of falling in love with limited edition perfumes. I think it's a sickness. I only started wearing perfume a couple of years ago, but ever since it's the Summer Edition scents that tend to make my nose happy - I think it's because I love really fresh, light, summery scents like lemon and apple and cherry blossom as opposed to heavier floral ones. Paul Smith Rose Summer Edition is what I've been wearing for nearly a year now and I still smile every time I spray it! It breaks my little heart that I can only get it on Ebay now, booo. The colours on the bottle inspired this manicure, since I was playing with my new Rimmel Fruities anyway...

Nice and Summery! I did this Manicure last week actually, another of my first Konading attempts. The base is three coats of Rimmel Fruities in Lemon Drop - it makes your nails smell like Lemons when its dry yaaaaaaaay! I then stamped from M73 using Bloom Flamingo Sands (one of my favie polishes atm!!)
WOO guys, it's Friday! I hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend, I, for one, have decided to join Laura in her "Fifty Fit" Challenge over at her great Blog Highlight your Beauty, Open your Heart. It's a great idea, you have 50 days to eat healthily and do at least a bit of exercise every day (with 5 days off for special occasions/mental breakdowns that require chocolate) and we can all support each other through the process! How lovely! Come and join us! I'm pretty sure that when you eat chocolate as often as I do, and then you go cold turkey, it can be dangerous. My body will go into shock. Expect weekly updates from me letting you know how it's going! That is, if I've not slipped into a coma from chocolate deficiency.
Thank you all for reading :) 25 followers now! Halfway to the first giveaway! Hurrah!

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