Butterflies! The Academy of Natural Sciences

Hello ladies,

This week my friend Drew and I decided to explore the Butterflies! exhibit at The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. It was such a respite from city life to interact with live butterflies in a tropical habitat! 

A Clipper butterfly at rest on the foliage.

Sipping nectar.

Looks like he is wearing a single striped sock.

A fine day to you too!

A popular drinking spot.

So lovely, like a delicate fan.

Pardon me, but I could use a lift.  

Quite a fanciful hitchhiker!

The owl butterfly.

This butterfly did not abandon his post.

My new friend, and lace enthusiast, the owl butterfly. 

We were so amazed how sociable the owl butterfly was! Drew held the parasol* for me as the owl butterfly modeled. Our new companion remained in position even as I opened my sun umbrella and set it on the floor!

I hope you enjoyed sharing the delights of the day!

Happy painting, ladies!

*It is important to note when Drew was holding the battenburg lace parasol, we referred to it as the Power-sol to make the experience more manly. I am sure you can sense the omnipresent testosterone exuding from this post. Grrr!

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