I don't really know why I'm holding an orange. It looks like I'm trying to warn you of the dangers of Satsumas. I'm not. I like them.
I don't really know what gave me the idea for this one, I think I was just looking at Miss Sporty Taxi! and thought "hey, it's like a "warning sign" yellow". And so ensued the birth of the danger fingers.
This is my favie finger, the one that turned out best!
I started with 2 coats of Rimmel Tip Whitener (note: dont use this to paint your whole nails, the brush is tiny and it takes foooreeevvveeerrrrrr, pain in the arse.) followed by two coats of Miss Sporty Taxi! which is exactly that; the colour of a New York cab with a very subtle shimmer - you literally can't even see it IRL, never mind in the pictures! I then used scotch tape cut into strips and did each black side separately using Claire's Black. On the Left hand, I used a Black Striper instead, just to compare the two techniques, but it was, overall, more messy and slooow. I then added the "!" freehand, using Claire's Nail Art Pen in Black. Added a topcoat, and voilaaaaa!
After I did the first triangle side of black, I took a couple of photos (in the dim with the flash, mind) as I quite liked the effect I got - I think I'll repeat this at a later date but with some different colours: -
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I hadn't done any clean up at this point...obvs! |
A quick FIFTY FIT update for you, seen as it officially started yesterday: I've been eating lean proteins and salad today, I'll have some rice with the chicken for my dinner, then I'm snacking on fruit, low fat yoghurts and olives (God, I bloody love olives). I've given up chocolate for Lent, so it won't get in the way of the challenge! Me and my housemate went to a spinning class earlier today aswell and we worked SO HARD - she was sick afterwards, poor love! I never sweat so much doing anything more than I sweat when I go to a spin class!! Good news, I also lost 4.5lbs last week on weight watchers - it was a happy weigh in day!
lots of love!